Friday, August 5, 2016

NAME IN PRINT: How will you do it for those you serve?

If you are a teacher, you recognize this unbridled enthusiasm on the first day of school!

I don't care if you are an elementary, junior high or high school teacher; all our students bring this energy on day one. Yes their energy "presents" differently. Some students actually jump around screaming excited about seemingly nothing like the character in the video. Other students are more reserved, but their exuberance is still there. It's obvious when you think about it, even though most try to be all cool They have these overly coordinated FIRST DAY outfits. They have new kicks with no scuffs or are so vibrantly white they burn your eyes. They have crisp shiny folders with labeled tabs, notebooks with actual paper inside, writing utensils with caps, and they smile. (check that paragraph again in February)

The first day of school is a special day, but so are all the rest of them. As educators, how can we try and make everyday as important as the first day of school? And the harder part is that the students won't be as enthusiastic as they were before. Every single kid is wanting to be the best they can be on that first day. They are going to "do all their homework", "take better notes", "not get in trouble, etc.It's just like Steve Martin's character in the Jerk. His name is in print. He's somebody.

For some students, day one is their peak. So the questions remain. 1.) How can we capitalize on that?
2.) How do we create more "First Days of School"?

And think about that first day. In elementary schools, students have names on desks, fun colors or themes are everywhere. They have names on tasks, jobs or whatever the creative teacher has provided. In junior high and high schools, their names get called each hour. There's acknowledgement of them being somebody.

"Your name in print. That makes people...Things are going to start happening for me now!"

So teachers, ride the emotional wave of excitement as long as you can. But find as many ways to get your students' names in print beyond the FIRST DAY. Acknowledge successes, celebrate and learn from failures. Social media and other forms of communication make it easier than ever to celebrate the wonders of young learners.
Go old school. Put their name in print with a small letter, post-it note for the locker, anything recognizing them for the efforts or accomplishments. Do that and watch them truly BE SOMEBODY then, watch as "THINGS STARTING HAPPENING" after that.

Administrators, same thing. Look at your teachers on day one. They have that Johnson, Navin R. enthusiasm as well. They love school, they love kids and they too deserve their name in print. And not just on the FIRST DAY of school, but throughout the year.

So for those who have started, I am jealous. For those about to start, I salute you. Please share and comment in ways that you may put your student's or colleague's NAME IN PRINT!